
Monday, October 11, 2010

Ridin' dirty.

Sorry for the delay.  I love all of you, I just had a midterm and assignments and I slept through most of my break.  Whaddup. 

Also, I did in fact read about 1500 pages of fiction this past weekend, and I am very happy with that.  I re-read some of Unseen Academicals (Terry Pratchett, my homeboy, READ HIS STUFF), and then I went to Barnes and Noble.  It's not good when I go into a bookstore, as it's like taking a chocoholic into Godiva, or Snooki into Ed Hardy, or Bill Clinton into a strip club: I want all of it and the only thing that keeps me from taking it all is a potential lawsuit. Too far?

Anyway, I bought the new Ken Follett book Fall of Giants, and I am super pleased with my purchase.  It's an epic like The Pillars of the Earth or World Without End but with many main characters and a setting in World War I.  I haven't read anything but those epics, but the dude did not disappoint.  Book was a thousand pages.

I also bought The Hunger Games which people have been recommending to me for a while and HOLY GOD this book was AMAZING.  I'm going to get the second and third as soon as I can.  It's written for teens, but it's seriously one of the best books I've read in a while.  Violent and complicated and perfectly paced and stays with you after you've put it down.  If you like science fiction go get it NAO KTHNX BAI.

Real reason for this post: I just drove the longest I've ever driven and the most states in one drive.  As anyone who was in New Orleans with me this past January can attest to (oh hey Silver Bullet, heyyy), I'm a bit of a nervous driver.  The part that most people don't see is the road rage going on in my head, and the combination of a desire to be safe and a wish that idiots would avoid my highway combines into a thought process like this:

**Aight, sweet, I found the entrance to the highway... hellooo I'm coming in and moving a lane over would definitely be awesome since there are no cars there... frickin' MOVE okay thank you!.... dammit I hate trucks why are there two trucks here OHMYGOD THEY'RE SURROUNDING ME PASSPASSPASS JESUS okay thank you God!.... I really don't like this Nicki Minaj song, can I look down and change the dial without crashing into someone? of course you can it's like an eighth of a second just do it FRICKIN' A WHAT WAS THAT oh a motorcycle I HATE YOU you can't just make up your own lane!  I will drop-kick your dog off of a bridge... no I'll just slice up your tool-ish leather jacket JUST PASS ME, DAMMIT I'm doing ten over the speed limit! did I ask for a colonoscopy from your front bumper I THINK NOT aight doing well, doing well, good song, good song SHIT was that the EXIT no, no, calm down, the exit is not for another like, 25 miles, you're an idiot... and the A/C in the car is making my eyes water, I'll turn it down... aaaand now it's a hundred degrees in here, A/C back on DAMMIT TRUCK I HATE YOU... wait why are we breaking the truck is gonna crush me OHGOD PLEASE STOP... oh, it's a toll.  I love you, EZ Pass!***

That's about 3 minutes worth.  Today's drive was 3 hours.  I spend pretty much all of it bouncing back and forth between I'mgonnadie/you'retoodumbtodrive/I'mgonnadie/you'retoodumbtodrive.  So if you're ever with me in the car and wondering why my hands are turning white gripping the wheel and I seem really focused, this is why.

They see me rollin', they hatin'...



  2. i'm not letting you in.. i'm sorry!

  3. at least you keep the commentary in your head -- I tend to say mine out loud, even if there are passengers in the car. =P
