
Monday, August 30, 2010

Ego stroking.

Hey everyone.

So, after enough positive feedback that's not from my mommy, I've decided to start a blog.  When I'm lying to myself, I say that I'm doing this so that others can easily keep track of what I'm doing with my life.  When I'm being honest, I say that I'm doing this because I totally have a TON of stuff people want to hear about and I'm BRILLIANT and FUNNY and a combination of DAVE BARRY and VALENTINE WIGGIN'S DEMOSTHENES and just an all around GODDESS.

No.  I'm a huge nerd, and one way this manifests itself is the meticulous observations I make on the world around me.  75 percent of that skill is used to see if I can make a Mean Girls reference for each moment, but the rest of it is because the world is ridiculously entertaining. 

Past topics of mine revolved mostly around my retail job (I worked at a Kohl's on and off for nearly 5 years), but anything that whips me into a verbal frenzy (not my fenders) is fair game. 

I am not on of those people who doesn't care about what other people think.  I so do.  I live off of feedback ("feed" is in there for a reason), so tell me how I'm doing.  I'ma try to keep the legal jokes and shenanigans to a minimum, but my life is in the process of changing, and I spend between 4 and 10 hours a day reading cases about murder and battery and negligence and jurisdiction and I'm expected to throw around those words like I know what they mean (battery? like the thing in that pink bunny? I LOVE that guy!) so they might slip in.  Forgive me.  If you don't I can sue you in three years. 

Throw yo' hands in the air, if you's a true playa,
