
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Disney gets real.

This is not a legit post, but I caught part of Beauty and the Beast this long weekend, and noticed something I've never noticed before.  She's my favorite Disney princess (books, duh, and she's awkward, hence, me), so I've seen the movie quite a few times.  Favorite part is obviously when he unveils the library.  That'd be game over for me.  You imprisoned my fathe-DON'T CARE BOOKSBOOKSBOOKS. 

However, I noticed one part I'd never noticed before.  The Beast is asking Cogsworth for advice on a gesture he can make to Belle in thanks for everything she's done or whatever, and I never quite registered Cogsworth's response.  It's "Hmm, there's the usual... flowers, chocolates, promises you don't intend to keep..."

Wow, Disney.  Wow.  Not sure if a writer just got dumped, or wanted to make some adults in the audience laugh, or what.  I love it, and it's hilarious, but jeez, the previous scene is Pretty Girl Plays With Dog-Turned-Footstool. 

Anyone else notice this?  Or did everyone and I was just blinded by the ten-story library right after that scene to notice the line?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't notice that until I was older, but word. Now it kind of makes me sad... while I giggle.

    Also... read the book "Beauty" by Robin McKinley. It's a re-telling of the story, and it ROCKS. I've read it twice in the past year.
