
Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 resolutions

When I say resolutions, I usually mean "stuff that would be pretty cool if it happened but if it doesn't, I'll live."  And I've only got three here.  Here we go.

1. Do more call-outs
Frequently, something unacceptable and disrespectful happens to me or someone in my vicinity, and I don't say anything because I'm shy, or scared, or don't want to rock the boat.  This year, I really want to (calmly and usually politely) tell people their behavior is no bueno.  Not letting people harass cashiers and get away with it because the cashier can't say anything.  Not letting people make jokes at the expense of persecuted groups.  Not letting my personal space or level of comfort be disrupted because someone's being a butthead.  (I am very adult and mature.)  Obviously, I will make an attempt to assess my own safety in these situations and not put myself in danger, but I really want to stop smiling when nothing's funny and everything's the worst.  If I don't say something, who will?

2. Keep better track of my reading
Y'all, I am a book menace.  My Kindle and the wonderful "buy with One-Click" button are not helping this situation, but I find myself just grabbing whatever's closest instead of making a list, saving up for book purchases, or remembering that recommendation from that girl that one time at that event or whatever.  I need to list what I've read, what I want to purchase, and what I should read. Especially need to keep one, solid list of everything that gets recommended to me directly or indirectly. 

And yes, I do think I'm a better person than you because I read a lot.  JUST KIDDING no seriously I want everyone to read not because it will make you a better person but because then I can talk to you about all my little book children and I'll be so happy. So I guess I'm selfish, but not pretentious?  I don't know, I'm basically The Worst Kind of Person but plz read plzzzzz

3. Go watch your faves do things
Over the past year and a half, I have gone to see Team Starkid (of "A Very Potter Musical" fame) live on tour, met Brandon Sanderson (who wrote the Mistborn trilogy and finished "A Wheel of Time" and is just awesome) at a book signing, and went to see Cinematic Titanic (the original cast of Mystery Science Theater 3000) do a live set of riffs and met them after.  All three of these were crazy amazing experiences, and I really don't know why I haven't tried harder to meet some of my creative heroes.  I met Tamora Pierce in college, as well, and that was also in my Top Ten Best Moments of Fangirling.  I need to look up tour dates for cool people, especially authors, and just get alllll the signatures and alllll the handshakes and alllll the squeals of joy I can possibly get.

Let's do this, 2014.


  1. Great points!

    As far as keeping track of what you've read and want to read, you might want to try if you haven't already. It looked cool when I first signed up a while back, though I haven't stayed active. You might find more use for it.


  2. I second the Goodreads rec! I am very active on there - they even send you an end-of-year email summarizing all the books you read that year. I read 23 books in 2013!

  3. I set up a Goodreads account and I'm in love already! Thanks guys!
