
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Let's get some resolutions up in here.

Hey all,

So, I realize that I am awful at updating this thing in a timely manner.  I want to find a way to update more, but since it takes an unreasonable amount of effort to churn out each individual Ming vase of word-paint, I will be forced into simply updating about more life-specific/less hilarious items. 

One of my New Year's resolutions is to update once a week.  If you see me in person or otherwise and it's been more than a week since this update, feel free to pistol-whip me (h/t Baird Bream).  Lightly chastising will work just as well if you don't carry.

Law school, part 4 (The Goblet of F... never mind) starts up on Monday.  I do not have grades yet, and won't for a while, so that means that what I WILL have is a series of mini-heart attacks every time the e-mail notification goes off on my phone because in my head it's a Pauly D-esque voice saying "GRADES AH HEAH."  Yes, I'm pathetic.  Yes, I did this to myself.  Yes, I could use some distraction. 

I am, however, rull excited about my classes, which is standard nerd cred right there.  Since 2012 thus far has included the extended versions of Two Towers and Return of the King, a purchase of Season 1 of Avatar: The Last Airbender, and a Settlers of Catan win, this looks like this is gonna be a good year for nerd cred.  Also, since Boyfriend is a gamer (just admit it, champ, it won't hurt), I have watched him play significant amounts of Battlefield 3 and Deus Ex, and hide behind his chair for some Dead Island.

It's okay, I know, you wish you could be this cool. 

My one thing to share with the world: when people have hiccups, stop giving them advice on how to cure them.  You will get no other response than "shut up, shut UP *HIC* no no no SERIOUSLY shut u-*HIC*" and you will deserve it.  Hiccups hurt, and when someone's like "did you hold your breath?! did you drink some water?! DO YOU WANT ME TO SCARE YOU BOOOOOO" all you want to do is punch that person in the face.  If you are that person to me, you will get punched, because you've now been warned.

I warn because I care.  Make me keep this up, y'all.


  1. My favorite (read: causes me to commit bodily harm) thing is when people point out that you have hiccups as if you had no idea. "Hey! You have the hiccups! What a funny noise! Ah, poor you, over there, with the hiccups." As I am the kind of person who gets the hiccups at least once a day for various reasons, this is immensely detrimental to my quality of life. SHUT UP PEOPLE I AM TRYING TO EAT/WORK/RIDE THE T/ READ THIS GODDAMN BOOK AND PRETEND YOU ARE NOT HERE.


  2. Glad you are resolved, and looking forward to it!! Also... gamers unite! Caroline & I have gotten back into WoW this past week... it won't last long, but I am SO enjoying it in the meantime!

    Potential topics of future blog posts, for when you are unmotivated:
    1. Why Avatar, the Last Airbender is AWESOME (bonus points if you talk about "The Beach" and "The Ember Island Players... even more bonus points if you work in the songs from The Cave of Two Lovers).
    2. Cats & crazy cat ladies. Feel free to use me as an example of the latter... I'm crazy and I know it!! LMFAO reference... get it? got it? good! (even more bonus points if you know what movie that referenced).
    3. People's profile pictures on FB
    4. Kids these days...
    5. Why 90's music is amazing!

    Ok... clearly it's 1:39 in the morning and I'm still trying to wind down from a trapeze class. This is why I shouldn't fly at night! It's dangerous to my health! I miss you. Maybe this should have been an email... yay for you blogging again!!!!!!!
